6th Street Parking Ramp

Bismarck, ND

Project Specifications
, ,
J2 Studio
Walker Parking Consultants
Comstock Construction
Project Highlights
  • Project Cost: $13,000,000
  • 41,540 Square Feet Of Precast
  • 258 Pieces
  • Brick Color: Copper Canyon
  • Finishes: Exposed, Sandblast & Brick
  • Project Start Date: June 2013
  • Project Completion Date: October 2014

The 6th Street Parking Ramp is located on 6th Street between Thayer and Broadway A venue in Bismarck, North Dakota. The 6th Street ramp has the capacity to hold 483 vehicles and provides angled parking with one-way traffic flow for ease of parking and economy. A stairway and elevator tower is provided at the northeast corner, and a staircase at the southwest corner of the parking structure.

The 6th Street parking ramp structure is an architecturally enhanced parking structure designed to complement the development of surrounding downtown environments. Several design alternatives were created for review and selection by the City of Bismarck and through public meetings. The architectural style that was selected was influenced by that of the former Carnegie Library that was on the building site prior to 1980. In memory of the historic Carnegie library, the Bismarck Parking Authority named the parking ramp levels after well-known authors: Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Margaret Mitchell and Louis L ‘Amour.

Landscaping is designed to blend with the existing streetscape. The walls of the structure include generous openings for natural lighting and the openness of the stairway provides a passive security element. Security cameras are located throughout the ramp in addition to high-efficiency LED (light-emitting diode) lighting technology. The lighting contains motion detection technology that dims when not in use to conserve energy.